


    优雅地穿着斑马印花棉布连衣裙, Outtara Aminata快乐的举止掩盖了大多数人认为艰难的生活, 但她已经从容应对了. 她的故事可能会激励许多为家人寻求更好生活的人.

    The 37-year old lives in a remote village of 500 people in the north of Côte d'Ivoire. Up at 5am, she used to only do the unremitting back-breaking work of maintaining a household. 现在阿米妮塔也是一个小棉农. She 太k on her second, and only paying “job”, three years ago and has never been happier.

    一切都不同了! 我的生活完全不同了. 我的孩子们现在可以上学了,因为我可以支付学费. 我以前连条好裙子都没有,阿米娜塔说, gesturing to the zebra print dress she and others in the Benkadi Women’s Association wear in her village of Tchewelevogo.

    She is one of the 227 women farmers who have been recruited into cooperatives by 推荐买球平台’s International’s cotton arm, SECO(社会组织),现在是17个国家的一部分,769-strong network of smallholder farmers across Côte d'Ivoire that SECO works with to buy cotton from and improve their livelihoods in the process.

    将本卡迪和其他妇女协会纳入合作社, meant that - for the first time - these women had access to financial support to embark on an income-generating activity of their choice, 棉花种植就是其中之一. 于是,Côte科特迪瓦出现了第一批独立的女性农民, 通过创建公共土地,在群体成员之间分享.  

    SECO’s outreach programme through the co-operatives runs the gamut – from a continual farmers’ training programme to building infrastructure such as water pumps, 诊所和学校. The training itself goes beyond farming practices and includes social messages such as the importance of children going to school – rather than becoming child labourers. 

    The training is done on-the-ground by a contingent of 180 field staff covering 804 villages, 谁从一个村庄到另一个村庄进行培训. 他们得到了一个由28人组成的农业小组和农艺师的帮助, 以及其他管理模范农场和社会项目的员工.

    After Aminata completed one such round of training in 2015, the community allotted her a 1.5公顷的土地第一次种植经济作物. 

    推荐几个足彩外围app学会了所有以前不知道的农业知识——如何播种棉花, 为什么使用化肥对所有作物都有好处, 包括推荐几个足彩外围app的粮食作物, 如何采摘棉花,如何分辨棉花的好坏,”她说。.

    当然, 就像社区里的其他女性一样, 她一直倾向于种植玉米和山药等粮食作物, 但这完全是维持生计的基础. Before this, any money, 包括 school fees for her children, had to come from her husband. 如果那个季节的作物收成不好,那就意味着这家人只能靠更少的钱或一无所有.

    这并不是说男人们过得很轻松. 她们也要长时间照料种植棉花等多种经济作物的农场. 他们, 太, 是SECO合作外展计划的一部分, 哪个是从3增长的,从2008年的000人增加到17人,769 in 2018, 今年还在继续扩张.

    Building on her successes, Aminata has now also taken on the responsibility of helping others. She is the Secretary the Women’s Association and was pivotal in its transformation from a platform, to organising big parties for the village into becoming a conduit for SECO to conduct farmer training.


