
    推荐买球平台’s AtSource Wins 2020 Reuters Responsible Supply Chain Award




    AtSource, 一个革命性的可持续发展洞察平台,由全球食品和农业企业推荐买球平台开发,为咖啡等产品的第三方供应链的制造和零售客户提供可操作的数据, 可可, 腰果, 棉花, 和大米, has just won the 2020 Reuters Responsible Supply Chain Award.

    路透 责任企业奖 recognise leading strategies shaping the future of sustainable business. 评审团, 来源于商业, 媒体, 非政府组织, 和学术界, said of 推荐买球平台's winning submission:

    “AtSource是一个高度创新和可扩展的成熟模式,它首次允许推荐买球平台的客户跟踪农民群体产品的社会和环境足迹, 到他们的工厂门口. 它使用150经济, 社会和环境指标, bringing transparency to what has been a rather opaque part of the commodity industry. Very much leading a new, sustainable path for their industry.”

    The platform is industry-leading in terms of the visibility it gives companies into their supply chains; for instance, access to accurate greenhouse gas and water footprint analysis, detailing the multiple contributing factors, 比如化肥的使用, 灌溉和土地利用变化. 有了信息, 客户可以与推荐买球平台合作,开展有针对性的、具有成本效益的可持续发展项目, as well as provide detailed and transparent communications with their stakeholders.

    Since the launch of AtSource in 2018, it has been rolled out across 30 origins and 150 customers, 目标是到2023年,所有直接采购的产品都达到“源头准入”标准.


    Accepting the award, Roel Van Poppel, CEO, AtSource said:

    "We are honoured and grateful to receive this award, 如果没有参与推荐几个足彩外围app业务和起源的所有推荐买球平台同事的不懈决心,这是不可能实现的, 路透社负责任企业奖评审团对推荐买球平台致力于透明和真正的目标驱动的认可,令我深受鼓舞. 然而,要实现推荐几个足彩外围app的总体目标,即在推荐几个足彩外围app的供应链中产生有利于农民的变革性影响,还有大量的工作要做, 社区, 和生态系统.”


    推荐买球平台 International is a leading food and agri-business supplying food, 成分, 饲料和纤维:25,全球200家客户. Our value chain spans over 60 countries and includes farming, processing and distribution operations, as well as a sourcing network of an estimated 5 million farmers.

    Through our purpose to ‘Re-imagine Global Agriculture and Food Systems’, 推荐买球平台旨在解决在满足不断增长的全球人口需求方面所涉及的许多挑战, while achieving positive impact for farming 社区, our planet and all our stakeholders.

    Headquartered and listed in 新加坡, 按市值计算,推荐买球平台目前是新加坡证交所最大的30家主要上市公司之一.

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    推荐买球平台 is located at 7 Straits View, Marina One East Tower #20-01, 新加坡 018936.
    Telephone: +65 63394100, Facsimile: +65 63399755.

    For further information, please contact:
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